Renewal Season Begins October 1st
Our annual renewal period will begin on Saturday, October 1st! All who join or renew their membership on October 1st or later will have a valid Mocha membership through December 31, 2024.will have a valid membership thru December 31, 2024.
Mocha Benefits Include:
Local Chapter Participation
Participate in all local chapter events and activities, including mothers' support meeting with topics pertinent to your life, community service projects, moms' night outs, and kids' socials.
Sisterhood and Community
Work in concert with mothers who understand your perspective as a mother of color, who share your experiences and who will both learn from you and teach you what they know.
Use and develop leadership and management skills by taking a leadership role in your chapter. Chapter leadership offers a wonderful opportunity to use and hone your talents.
Exclusive Access
Members receive invites to exclusive special events, screenings and activities
Receive information-packed bulletins via email with tips, articles, recipes, and news from Mocha Moms, Inc. chapters nationwide.
Online Support
Access to Member's Only Section of Mocha Moms, Inc. website which includes news and information, access to newsletters, photos and communications from chapters around the country, and links.
Reduced rates for participation in all national, regional and state Mocha Moms, Inc. functions.
Community Service Opportunities
Work with other mothers on Community Service initiatives that benefit our communities here and abroad.
Educational Summits
Encourage parents to be strong educational advocates for their children, as well as other children in their communities.
To renew your membership on October 1st, visit