Solicitation & Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Solicitation & Privacy Policy is to maintain member privacy and to prevent our members from being pressured or pitched for goods or services. Chapters can support Mochapreneur and other businesses by:

  • Creating directories
  • Sponsoring business forums
  • Designating social media, group chats, forums or websites (Facebook, GroupMe, Band, etc.)
  • Placing ads in the chapter newsletter and/or website
  • Hosting Mochapreneur events for members and the public
  • Participating in the Mochapreneur Network which provides support for Mocha Moms who own businesses.

As of October 30, 2023, all chapters must create a "Beyond Mocha" forum, chat or group to allow for information sharing. This *can* include solicitation, fee-related events, referrals, recommendations or any other non-Mocha resources. Creating different channels for specific "Beyond Mocha" categories is allowed. All such communication must be separate from general day-to-day Mocha sisterhood/chapter conversations and/or business. This will require Mochas to visit these resource channels only if they are interested, and must not impede other Mocha communication. State, network and regional channels are optional.

Solicitation Rules:

  • Create a "Beyond Mocha" channel (GroupMe, Facebook Group, Slack, etc.)
  • Designate a Chapter Executive Board Member or Chair to monitor
  • Mochas must opt-in for the Beyond Mocha channel
  • Chapters may provide the link via email or the general chat/forum, allowing Mochas the choice to join the Beyond Mocha channel. No other Beyond Mocha posts in the general chat/forum are allowed
  • Joining the Beyond Mocha channel is not required. Mochas have the option to opt-out or mute notifications.
  • Spamming is not allowed. More than 2-3 posts per person at one time or excessive daily posting by anyone is prohibited
  • Beyond Mocha political posts are allowed in moderation and with extreme caution in to order to avoid jeopardizing our 501(c)(3) non-profit status
  • The use of solicitation email, snail-mail, phone lists, eblasts, flyers/information, products or services on site at a Mocha Moms, Inc. sponsored event is strictly prohibited. The “Beyond Mocha” forum, chat or group must be the only method for sharing solicitations.
  • Mochas who violate the rules can be removed from posting on the "Beyond Mocha" channels. This will be determined by the Regional Director or National Board of Directors
  • Additional violations of this policy can result in suspension or revocation of your membership as a supporter and/or chapter privilege.

At the discretion of the National Board of Directors, the national office will work on behalf of Mocha supporters to secure "Mocha" benefits, perks, and special offers, exclusive to our supporters from our partners, sponsors, and select corporations. These benefits will be shared with all supporters to take advantage of at their individual discretion. We will continue to keep our member database proprietary and will coordinate these types of solicitations directly through the national office.

© 2025 Mocha Moms, Inc.
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